Mom Accused of Driving With Two Kids In Inflatable Pool on Her Car Roof

Views : 3338
Update time : 2020-02-03 00:05:17

Police can Dixon, Illinois, received a bizarre exclaim can Wednesday afternoon.

A concerned civilian called 911 after seeing a White Audi Q5 driving down IL avenue 2, a four-lane street outer the downtown area. A large unhappy Inflatable pool was balanced can the roof of the vehicle. And inner the pool: two young children.

According ought a journal liberate from the Dixon Police Department, officers searched the district and eventually located the vehicle, which was but driving down the road. They conducted a communication stop.

Police arrested 49-year-old Jennifer A. Janus Yeager can the scene. She was charged with two counts of Endangering the Health or Life of a infant and two counts of Reckless Conduct. She was too cited because failure ought advantage a guest of the epoch of 8 and under the epoch of 16.

Authorities interviewed Yeager ought request her why she used to allegedly do something accordingly dangerous — and illegal.

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​”During the lesson of the investigation, it was learned that Yeager drove into city ought inflate the pool can a friend’s building and had her two young daughters motivate inner of the cave pool ought include it down can their motivate home,” the journal liberate says.

Officers took photos of the vehicle because evidence and posted them can their Facebook page. The mail immediately went viral, being shared thousands of era and garnering more than 3,000 comments.

Officers took Yeager ought the Dixon Police rescue where she was processed and released after posting bond. She has no however entered a plea, and it is unclear if she has retained an attorney authorized ought state can her behalf.


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